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The study of the patterns on the eye to inform a person's health status

Iridology is the study of health via an examination of the colour and the structure of the iris, the sclera and the pupil. The colour and fibre structure variations visible in the iris are used to assess the constitutional strength of the physical body.


About Iridology

Every iris is as individual as a fingerprint. The eye is the only external tissue directly connected to the brain and its development starts in the first few weeks of embryonic development.


Iridology is the study of health via an examination of the colour and the structure of the iris, the sclera and the pupil. The colour and fibre structure variations visible in the iris are used to assess the constitutional strength of the physical body and to understand aspects of personality to determine underlying inherent weaknesses which may be activated according to diet, lifestyle and psycho-social factors.


Iridology is a screening tool that can help to determine potential health problems at the earliest stages and enables the opportunity to target the major cause of a current health issue or to prevent illness and maintain optimum wellness.


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